jeudi 21 septembre 2017

Fritillaria meleagris

Cette petite plante bulbeuse très rustique forme de jolies clochettes inclinées à damier pourpré, assez tôt en saison. Fritillaire impériale, consulter sa fiche. Vivace, hermaphrodites, caduques, à bulbes faiblement écailleux et charnus, formant souvent des caïeux. Finde ‪Fritilaria Meleagris‬! Schau Dir Angebote von ‪Fritilaria Meleagris‬ auf eBay an.

Liliaceae qui se développe dans les zones humides ou sur les berges inondables des rivières.

Elle est naturalisée çà et là. Plants are somewhat dainty in appearance, featuring solitary (less frequently 2-3), drooping, 2” long, bell-shaped flowers which are checkered and veined with reddish-brown, purple, white and gray atop slender. Bulbes vendus en ligne. Mon compte Contactez-nous. Panier Produit Produits (vide).

The delicate flowers are complimented by lance-shape grass-like bluish-green leaves. On en trouve de l’Ouest de la France jusqu’à la Russie. Cependant celle-ci a disparu depuis la fin du 19ème siècle de la Belgique, elle est considérée comme rare aux Pays-Bas et elle est en net recule en France.

Native to damp meadows and woodlands in Europe, these bulbs need partial shade and abundant moisture, which makes them highly sought after among gardeners who have less than perfectly drained soil. An excellent choice for. It is from Europe having become naturalised in Great Britain, and is found in wet meadows.

Les petites fritillaires des espèces meleagris et uva. Toutes les commandes sont préparées à la demande et généralement expédiées sous heures dans le monde entier. Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky. Plantez vos bulbes couronne impériale en automne pour pouvoir les voir apparaître au printemps ! Status: scarce This is a grassland plant which thrives best where the usual form of management is a hay cut followed by aftermath grazing. This enables plants which have all their leaves on the flowering stem, as does F. So it is important to sow the seed on the surface of the compost and not bury it any deeper.

But it should be covered by a layer of grit about half to one centimetre deep to help retain moisture. Coats of arms of Hetlingen, Germany Coats of arms of Seestermühe, Germany Selected Weblinks. This sequence was filmed in my studio over a period of three days. species has an en. Add plenty of well rotted manure or garden compost to the soil prior to planting to improve less than ideal soils.

Plant snakes head fritillary bulbs at a depth of 10cm (4) and 10cm (4) apart. Planting them on their sides will. Delivery by Crocus We use cookies to provide you with a better service and experience.

En effet la plante s. The fritillaria bulbs we have on offer vary from the small dainty varieties such as the Meleagris (snakeshead), the species fritillaria and the large spectacular crown imperials. Ideal for borders, flowerbeds and will equally look good in large pots. Large bulbs supplied. Flowers April, May.

Hand Packed in strong paper bags, no plastic packaging used. Parfaites pour naturaliser et pour grandir dans les parties ombragées du jardin ces plantes sont très. It is a beautiful species that grows in just a few meadows in Southern England and the Midlands. Below you will find details of these sites.

The best time to visit to see them in flower is usually mid to late April. Grows 7-8” tall and 2” wide. Hardy in zones 4-9. Lace-like leaves, bell shaped with plum and gray colored blooms.

Six tépales, libres, rose en damier brun-violet, parfois blancs. Pistil constitué de trois carpelles soudés, ovaire triloculaire. Fleur solitaire, inclinée, à l’extrémité de la tige.

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