mardi 25 septembre 2018

Leucothoe axillaris curly red

Taille adulte (H x L): 0. Période de floraison : Avril. Le LEUCOTHOE axillaris CURLY RED (Leucothoé Curly Red) est une plante rustique, original et très décoratif. Un petit arbuste persistant très coloré.

De port étalé et quelque peu dressé, il forme de belles touffes denses et compactes.

Ses feuilles ovales et coriaces sont curieusement recroquevillées sur elle-même, ondulées et brillantes, les jeunes feuilles sont rouges, reverdissent. Les feuilles vertes bien brillantes sont récurvées et crêpées. Les jeunes pousses sont rouges. Qualités : Feuillage très original.

Elles sont de couleur rouge au départ et prennent par la suite une belle coloration vert brillant. Il viendra habiller les zones ombragées de votre jardin. Ce Leucothoe aime les sols humifères, drainés, frais et légèrement acides en exposition mi ombragée ou ombragée.

Growing Wisdom garden videos will help you with all your gardening needs. During Autumn leaves are re and in early winter they become purple. As the plant is very hardy, the thick, leathery leaves keep their color during the winter. Imprimer la fiche de cette plante. Plantes de Terre de Bruyères.

Original et très compact ! Its main feature are gracefully curle very glossy leaves. Their colour is light green as they emerge, maturing to deep green. In autumn they change to deep purple- red at the leaf margins and overall deep burgundy red from winter until mid-spring.

If planted in full sun it gains red shades from mid-summer already. Emerging orange- red , the leaves mature to a dark green before turning scarlet- red in the fall and purple in winter. Clusters of slightly fragrant, heather-like, white flowers. Leucothoe may look exotic and difficult to grow, but plants are hardy, and are ideal for shady borders with acid soil.

Combine with other evergreen shrubs, especially. Girard’s Rainbow ( Leucothoe fontanesiana ) has white, pink and bronze new growth. Leucothoe axillaris is a fairly small bush and show off in a rockery, foundation plant or on slopes.

Leucothoe racemosa native species found from Massachusetts down to Louisiana, is one of the more cold tolerant forms and has 4-inch (cm.) long racemes of drooping, scented flowers from May through June. When they first shoot, young leaves are a glossy red colour before maturing to a glossy green for Summer. As Winter comes and the cold weather approaches, this fantastic shrub actually changes its colour back to red and remains so until Spring approaches and new shoots appear.

It can also bloom with small, white. Dense, compact, bushy habit preferring a moist soil in partial shade. This is an ideal plant for container planting in winter, looking fabulous when combined with a variety of other seasonal plants such as winter flowering heathers. Buissonnant, compact, bien équilibré, cet arbuste étonne par ses feuilles ondulées aux nuances subtiles. Précieux pour le décor des potées.

Convient aux sols acides. Sa floraison blanche discrète apparaît en mai. Il forme un arbuste bas, arrondi, légèrement plus large que haut à maturité. Cette belle plante de. Leucothoe Curly Red is a medium, evergreen shrub that makes great ground cover.

It has glossy, green foliage that starts out as red , and then turns red again in the cold of winter with a natural curl to the leaves. Leucothoe Axillaris Curly Red is a hard-working evergreen shrub whose eye-catching foliage will provide garden interest year-round. It’s an excellent addition to your garden, whether large or small.

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