mardi 17 mars 2020

Nepeta walker's low

Taille adulte (H x L): 0. Période de floraison : Mai, Juin, Juillet, Août, Septembre, Octobre. Utilisation : Plante mellifère. Une très longue période de floraison pour cette N. It is a low-growing perennial that typically forms a spreading clump of decumbent, ascending and upright stems to 12” tall and 18” wide. Features gray-green, hairy, ovate leaves (to 1” long) with crenate margins, prominent veining and heart-shaped bases. Leaves are highly aromatic when crushed or.

Nepeta walker's low

Named for a garden, not for its size, as it grows to 30. Lovely blue violet flowers accent the tangy aromatic grey green foliage. Jolie plante portant une longue floraison de fleurs bleu lavande en épis. Effet couvre-sol marqué chez les N. Because it is resistant to drought and deer, this sun-loving perennial is super easy to grow! The performance begins in late spring when a profusion of fragrant, trumpet-shaped lavender- blue flowers burst into bloom over neat mounds of grey-green.

Prefers sandy, well-drained soil in full sun. Very drought tolerant. Cut back foliage to promote a new flush of growth and to prolong flowering season.

Nepeta walker's low

Propagate by division or cuttings in early summer. Best used as a low growing groundcover, rock gardens, or. Le feuillage est vert gris, caduc et odorant. Een mooie plant voor midden in de border.

De bloemen zijn lavendkleurig. Nepeta x faassenii blijft wat lager. Une plante vivace du Jardin du Morvan, la pépinière de plantes vivaces rustiques de Thierry DENIS. Commandez cette Menthe des Chats en ligne ! U kunt kattekruid in het voorjaar via deling vermeerderen.

Nepeta walker's low

From early summer into early fall, the foliage is topped with well-branched stems boasting showy spikes of soft, lavender flower. Most catmints will repeat bloom if sheared back a. It is about the same height as the other catmint varieties, besides nepeta Six Hills Giant, which is larger. Dans ces conditions, il supporte bien le froid. Seuls les sols lourds et humides ne lui conviennent pas.

Bereits vor dem Blühstart strahlt das graugrüne, buschige Blatt Sanftheit aus. Eiförmig angeordnet, runden die Blätter die etagenartigen, dunkelviolett blühenden Trauben ab. A combination that means it. Niet veeleisende bossige vaste plant.

Groeit op vrijwel elke grondsoort, liefst niet te nat. Blauwe bloeiwijze vanaf juni. Door te knippen bloeit de plant door tot in september. De Cpotmaat heeft een doorsnede van centimeter. DKK 300: Pris pr.

Tilføj til favoritliste Se fragtpriser Blåkant, Katteurt - Kan blive 6. Height: to inches. Spread: to feet. Plants are mounded and bushy in habit, with small grey-green fragrant leaves. In our studies, shoot-tip cuttings dipped in rooting hormone rooted in five to seven days under mist in a propagation facility set at 72ËšF.

Nepeta walker's low

Commercial growers can purchase plugs from propagators for finishing. Walker’s Low ’ is typically grown in quart-size or.

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