mardi 26 janvier 2021

Triteleia laxa

Triteleia laxa

Cette petite vivace gracieuse et légère aime les sols bien drainés, frais au printemps puis sec en été. Les feuilles linéaires, relativement. Reconnaitre les bulbes. Triteleia : de la plantation à la floraison.

Type de feuillage : Feuilles caduques, linéaires, étroites et vertes. Mode de multiplication : Semis et division des caïeux. Bulbeuse ou tubéreuse.

It is a bulb, actually a corm closely related to lilies and onions which blooms in June then goes dormant, requiring a summer dry rest, although it is less picky about that than our other native grassland bulbs. Utilisez pour cela une petite pelle ou un plantoir à bulbes. Plantez le bulbe la pointe vers le haut et les racines vers le bas. The flower color varies from deep blue to pale purple-blue to almost white.

Triteleia laxa

Once plante triteleia care is simple and basic. Let’s learn more about how to grow a triplet lily. Pensez à diversifier les endroits de plantation pourm ultiplier les floraisons au printemps. Les bulbes peuvent être plantés en pleine terre ou bien en pots.

These balls rest above the level of your average flower garden varieties, creating almost a cosmos effect of planets above the earth. Each tiny trumpet in this garden orchestra is finely detailed and delicate, it’s six lavender petals. Soyez la première personne à donner votre avis sur cette plante. Elle apprécie les emplacements ensoleillés et chaud et tout type de sol bien drainé. AT State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 1counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

Triteleia laxa

It is a geophyte related to lilies and onions, growing from an edible corm. In spring it sends up one or a few slender grass-like leaves. California and into Oregon.

Bright green, grass-like leaves appear first, followed by clusters of violet purple star shaped blossoms with blue anthers in late spring. It is very adaptable and will tolerate heavy soils and sunny baking locations. Flowers May to June. Source des images: média.

Triteleia laxa

It is hardy to zone (UK) and is not frost tender. It is in flower in June, and the seeds ripen in August. TRITELEIA LAXA KONINGIN FABIOLA SEEDS - Plant World Seeds. In early summer erect stems bear umbels of funnel-shape purple-blue flowers.

Too rarely seen, this plant is a perfect item for naturalising as its narrow, linear leaves soon die completely away after flowering leaving a clear patch for flower coming later. This group of bulbous plants has been included in the closely allied Onion family or Alliaceae and some suggest that is a better placement for it. As their foliage is rather insignificant, they are perfect for growing through lower growing subjects, such as hardy geraniums, to produce another layer of border colour in summer. Le brodiaea est une belle plante à bulbe de à centimètres de hauteur qui, de mai à juillet, donne d’adorables fleurs bleues ou blanches.

Brodiaea kinkiensis, fleur à bulbe rare.

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