lundi 25 janvier 2021

Verbena hastata

Commandez-la : elle réussit en tous sols plutôt frais. Plante herbacée, vivaces ou annuelles parfois suffrutescentes, dressées ou couchées. Fleurs en larges panicules bleu malvacé. Supporte la sècheresse.

Achetez-le en ligne chez les pépinières Lepage ! De grande taille, érigée et très ramifiée, elle porte de petites fleurs roses le long de jolis épis dressés comme des chandelles.

Cette plante nord-américaine forme une rosette de feuilles étroites et dentées à la base portant plusieurs tiges bien dressées, curieusement carrées en coupe transversale, et coiffées d’épis étroits de fleurs bleu mauve, plus rarement roses, formant une petite couronne autour de. La verveine hastée croît dans les milieux ouverts sur des sols frais à humides. AT State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N. Verbena hastata ‘Pink Spires’.

Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 1counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. It is a herb with opposite, simple leaves which have double-serrate margins, borne on stiffly erect, branching square stems. The fibrous roots and short rhizomes of Blue Vervain help to stabilize mucky soils.

Belle touffe aux larges panicules de fleurs blanc pur.

Sa fiche descriptive est en cours de rédaction. Blooming from early summer to fall, the blossoms open from the bottom upwards for a long-lasting display. Bumblebees are among the important pollinators. They attract butterflies and birds as well. Bonariensis: The popular Brazilian species grows up to six feet tall and self-seeds freely.

Grown as a perennial in zones and warmer, it attracts butterflies in droves. Also, try the compact varietals for Bonariensis verbena : Lollipop and Meteor. Photo : Dominicus Johannes Bergsma. Derniers produits vendus sur le Webshop. Bordure de jardin - m. Hibou jaune comme épouvantail.

It can be recognized by its flowering spikes 4–6. It is understandably increasing in popularity as it becomes more readily available. In a natural prairie it is not aggressive. In fact, it is a rather short-lived perennial that will not compete well with more aggressive vegetation. Son nom spécifique fait état de la forme en fer de lance de ses feuilles.

It owes its name to Latin meaning sacred. This native plant typically grows about 4’ tall, but I’ve grown them well over 6’ (2m).

They love full sun and can thrive in a variety of conditions. Se plaît dans un sol frais ou humide, fossés, étangs, bandes riveraines. The stems are unique as they are 4-angled sometimes with fine white hairs.

Depending on the geographic location, the blooming period occurs anywhere from late spring to late summer and lasts between one to two months. Sowing: Direct sow these verbena seeds for sale in late fall, pressing the seed into the surface of the soil. Blue vervain roots are fibrous and short rhizomes.

For spring planting, mix the seeds with moist sand and store in the refrigerator for days before planting. Keep the soil lightly moist until germination. Reaching a mature height of 1.

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